Just some fun stuff
we’ll update often!
All This (and more) Happened Our Senior Year
Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first heart transplant
Richard Petty, the first driver to win back-to-back at the Daytona 500
Billie Jean King beats Bobby Riggs in the Battle of the Sexes
Patty Hearst is kidnapped
National 55mph speed limit enacted
Happy Days starts its 11-year run on TV
The Sting wins for Best Picture
Tie a Yellow Ribbon &The Way We Were top the charts
West German chancellor Willy Brandt resigns
Canadian government of Pierre Trudeau falls
Spiro Agnew resigns
Richard Nixon: “I am not a crook.”
Who’s coming to the reunion?
Officially, no one yet but once registration opens in spring/summer 2024, we expect there to be 250+.
Watch this space once the RSVPs start to roll in.
Send us your old or new group pictures. We’ll add them here.