Ladue ‘74 Reunion Registration


Email ____________________________________

How many people?_______________

Name(s) as they should appear on nametags _____________________________________________

COST: $74 per person, but any additional amount helps to subsidize both the event
and entry for those classmates who may not be able to pay. Thanks for considering!

I’ll be paying: 🔲 $74/person 🔲$100/person* 🔲Other/additional per person (amount)* ______________
🔲I cannot pay at this moment but would love to come anyway

Ladue Elementary you attended (or none)___________________________________

People would love to know who else is coming. May we list your name online? 🔲yes 🔲no


Excited to see you! Send your check payable to Ladue ‘74 Reunion to:
c/o Joe Goldenberg
26 Chaminade Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63141

(to print, hit Control-P on your PC or Command-P on your Mac)

Can’t wait to see you! Thanks!